August             Back

Week 13

As you may have noticed the bastards cut me off!!! I think I uploaded more than the legal limit but I never did get an explanation from Topcities so I've opened another account and will have to start again and upload the whole website in smaller batches. I once again have the feeling I've done this before.

Kids in back of van driving Uncle Andrew to the airport at 6:00a.m.

This should be an easy update as I flew back to Melbourne for a week and as soon as I got into town the batteries died on the camera. No problems, but the spares were back at my parent's house. Not too cold in Melbourne after a couple of days in Ipswich to acclimatize. Went to see Dave and ask about the parts on Monday. We thought maybe we might have left them lying around in the dirt when we ripped everything out. The only trouble was a storm had knocked down 2 trees in his driveway and the area that we were working was 6 feet under in logs!!

So I went back to my house - 13 weeks of travel and I'm back to square one. 

The place is still standing but you can sure tell I'm not living there - all the curtains were closed. Anyway no luck under the house. Oh golly I said, numerous times over realizing I had to go back and root through all my stuff in storage. Went down to Dandenong South thinking I might as well make a start of it. Got stuck into digging around and like a miner in the old days, dug and twisted and contorted myself to all parts of the shed and.................................found them.

No pictures available.

Picked up a few other things that I needed and dumped off a garbage bag full of clothes. Why did I pack so much stuff when Kenny has taught me that you can get at least 4 days out of a pair of jocks on Central Camp - old army trick - 8 days if you use the buddy system!!!!! Smart guy that Kenny.

Rest of the week stuffing around and driving Liz nuts. Don't think I was rude because I didn't call or visit anybody but I had to pick up Liz from school each day as she was kind enough to lend me her car, so it really only left the middle of the day free and since everyone's working.....

I was tempted to phone up Kenny and see if he wanted to chuck a sickie and go skiing but I knew he would never be that unprofessional.

Bye to Liz AGAIN - we are getting to be experts at this now, you'd just think someone would grow up and get their shit together wouldn't you? Oh and just before I left there was something on TV that gave me a great sense of deja vu and made me think back to a special time and some dear friends of mine, Dave, Owen, Mo, Ronnie amongst others..........................................















G   LIONS!!!!!

Week 14

Back at Frode's, put the seats in, test drive a few pieces of crap at some car yards then back to Janine's. One good thing about this hiatus in proceedings is that I get to spend some time with  the kids. They need the education and guidance of an uncle like me. Who else is going to teach them what it means to "pull my finger" and how to upset the teachers at school by gronking (fart sound made with the hands - years of practice to perfect)? Tia almost had it too!!!!

Did a science experiment - have to keep the skills up.

Aim. To find out how small a piece of tennis ball has to be before Grotie will stop chasing it.

Method. Cut up ball with scissors and throw them in yard.

Results. Gave Dad the shits when he mowed the lawn.


                                                                                        If I can't go camping, stuff it, we can still have a camp oven!!!

Now I'm looking through car yards, the internet and magazines. Am going to go to the Gabba with mom to see Brisbane and Sydney, but I left my scarf in storage in Melbourne. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wonder if Virgin's got any more cheap flights??????

Week 15

Footy was sold out well in advance.  Couldn't get two seats together so had to watch the humiliation on TV. Mom was happy, couldn't shut her up. At least I don't make a big fuss about football when Brisbane win.  Some people have no couth. 

The bastards cut me off again. I spent 5 days uploading less than 20mB per day, like they said and once it's all done I get a note saying that I've exceeded my limit of 12 mB per hour!!!! They're making it up as they go along!!!!! I'm running out of names to call my site.

Week 16

This week, set up website, buy car. Hmmmmmm seems like I've done this before. 

Week 17

Website set up, got car. A 1994 Toyota Hi Lux Diesel 163,00kms,with canopy,lock-up toolbox,  CD, CB radio and speakers in the back. Almost perfect except for 1 important feature that I will find difficult to live with..........

It's got #%#@&*% Collingwood colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But I can fix that.

Last day of August today and I hope to hit the road maybe Tuesday or so, once I get the shelves and all my stuff in. So, long service, take 2..................





Remember Jesus and I love you.

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