December     Back

Into the home stretch but still having a ball. Got back to the blackhole of Denham planning to finally escape only to find    out   that John has booked us in to play at the local pub on Wednesday!!! (Except he calls it a poob). A few more days in Denham............I have never seen the word panic written so explicitly on someone's face as we rehearsed up to the last minute. She'll be right I said, it always is with friendly gigs.

    They even put a sign up for us. John the voice and guest, but I put my name on it.

Showtime, no amps, no mics and a bar full of backpackers and locals. Too many people to know who you are.


    The band     A bit of a big night in Denham


Bumming around in unit 5.                                                          The hot tub at the station




Waxing! All the tourists love 'no neck' on SBS.

The girls are on Shark Bay time.


Roadtrip.       Chris, Emma and me go four wheel driving.  Chris' first fish...a beauty!!

        Perfectly legal Bluebone!!!! Good trip.

Go to the pistol club. One guy had a 44 magnum. I got to shoot a 42 calibre, that was enough thanks.



Kirsty and Mia, the real  workers behind Bay Lodge.                    Unemployed dolphin poker.

                                                                                                                      Not a real worker.

One more song from John the Voice - now an institution at Denham.

    The sort of people the Voice attracts.



Julia John Flippa Tessa Mick Marit Daisy Derek Eunice Darren Emma among others having a barbechue.(Dutch for b-b-q)


Going bonkers. One mention of the word 'shopping' and we have a car load for a quick trip to town, Geraldton 

(a mere 380kms away).

     Seafood barbeque 


Ant Hannah Mick.  Take care guys!!!!!


All shopped out. Back to the black hole of Denham.

OK this is it. Jamie and Hannah from the old pub are leaving and I throw my hat in the ring too. One more night at the poob.

one last gag and it wasn't me.

"What da @#%&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????? My Mom's Flip-Flops!! Sorry Mom!"



                Bye Chris                                                               Bye girls                                                         Bye Andrew

Separated at birth, John, Jamie, me.       

Just another night in Denham, the boys from the pearl farm leading the tourists astray, where the women drink beer and the men.....well...............................................................

A final goodbye from room 5C. a last shot by the pool.

Now how did that happen?                            "My Mom's flip-flops!!"


When it came the crunch and finally escape ..... I COULDN'T DO IT!!!!! So many sad faces and teary eyes (mainly mine), what the hell ONE MORE NIGHT AND THAT'S IT....OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

Family portraits for Christmas   What a nice shirt young man says Eunice (and Daniel and Emma AND MOST OF TOWN)!!




At 6:00a.m. I quietly snuck out of bed and stealthily but silently escaped the black hole of Denham. 

Be very afraid.....

Good bye Denham...I hope you had the time of your life.....I did.







Well Magoo, you've done it again. I haven't written anything down for 5 weeks. Too busy taking pictures!!! After Denham,       a nice drive down to Kalbarri National Park. Been here before so it should be a quick stop. Once again shafted for $9 park entry fee. Usual tourist stuff on the way in Z-bend, Nature's Window and the Gorge Lookouts. I must be getting a bit feral    as I have not worn shoes (except for going out ) for months now. As I got some pommie tourists to take some of these pictures I could hear them whisper "he hasn't got any shoes on!" - it was on a 2km stinking hot gravel track. Same with a Japanese tourist just about to set out on a different walk asked me "Don't your feet get hot?"          

 "Yes" I replied as I passed him.


A nice little town, bit of a big night again at the backpackers (someone called the police about the noise!!! well it was 10:30!!.....disgraceful those backpackers).

 Went on a cray boat tour sort of thing. Nice guys and it was only $20 and you get a crayfish to boot.


               Jessika catches LUNCH!    

Down to Geraldton (again) I really get the feeling I'm going around in circles. On the way the amazingly pink Hutt Lagoon. We looked for the (in)famous Hutt River Province but turned around a few kms short.

    Back to Geraldton...

                                                ....converting more Germans to Canadian breakfast....frenchtoast, bacon and real maple syrup.

A tour of a crayfish factory......starting to see a pattern here.


More lunch!!!!    


The church


     More of them     Bush camp

Green Head, Dynamite Bay. Just beautiful.                                                                          

    Read a great book called Love Shack about a family living south of a fictitious town called Sexmouth. They lived in these shanties by the beach in 1967.  I think I found them...............amazing. Little shacks all along this part of the coast. Mostly cray fishermen and plenty of dodgy holiday homes.

       The usual for lunch at Cervantes.

Jessika had a german guide that mentioned a track called 'the white hell'. No mention of it in any of my books but after a   chat with some locals and the park ranger I said goodbye and.....


  See ya safe.

    Drop the tires and drop the clutch. I love it.

       Half way through...more shacks. 

The 'towns?' of Grey and Wedge Island                                   


And what do I see..........................................sly crayfish runners!!!!!          I'm in!!          

More of the white hell.......a great track but.......hell it was not. Some interesting people here....mostly barefoot I imagine.


Still, an amazing part of the country.

    The end at Lancelin,   somewhere in the sand. 



Back to civilization and a few days up my sleeve before I meet Liz in Perth so.....inland to the Avon Valley and the historical 

towns of Toodyay, Northam,  New Norcia and York amongst others.



Well, that's nice to know.               

Christmas Eve in York. I was the only one in a 22 bed room. Very quiet and, even for all my solo travelling I was....                  a bit lonely.  South to Wagin (pronounced Wayjin, and the locals will let you know about it!). For the big (I bet you thought I'd grown up and forgotten about them)......


And finally to Perth........... and hello again to Liz!!!!!!!!!!


Nice view from a lookout above Jacob's Ladder.


Around King's Park.


The Cloisters, historical buildings.                                                        I understand this guy can fix crossed eyes in one visit!!!

Then, on a quiet evening out getting a bite to eat...............the car gets broken into. The pricks got the fridge, my guitar (new Maton this trip), camping gear, diving gear, stove, clothes, phone (just got it fixed!!) the food tubs........................................... and two rolls of toilet paper!!!!! We parked in Northbridge  - a notorious spot as we later find out - it even has an experimental curfew in place for kids. Well, what can you do? 

Roll with the punches I say, and I've done a lot of rolling around this trip.    It hurt.      Happy New Year.     


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