July           Back

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. It's been a while since I've written anything (about 2 weeks) have to stretch the memory a bit.

Week 8 (I think)

Liz flew up and got in at 12:00a.m. (who booked that flight!). She had the luxury of almost a day and a half of sunshine and then the clouds came in for the rest of her stay. Unbelievable. We got sick of the locals telling us "it's very unusual for this time of year"  yeah yeah.

     Mossman Gorge       



The girl wanted to play golf. OK. 9 holes and rented clubs $80!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First stop was Cape Trib. It looked very developed on the local map and I was a bit worried but it's not too bad. We stayed a night at               then up to the Cape. Still pretty as a picture.

    Tea farm

     Natural rainforest retreat      

We did a fishing trip at Port Douglas (boo Dockers) and guess who was the only one to catch anything decent. What a croc!


Week 9

On to the Atherton Tablelands. Still cloudy and windy and showery. Sorry Liz, should have booked good weather. Having fun at Lake Tinnaroo, the world record barramundi caught here. I had a go .................................there are no fish in this lake.


Lake Barrine, no swim.

   the locals were not impressed.   


Stupid car.                                        The Crater 70m drop and 80m deep.            My contribution to the wind farm.

    Dinner Falls       

A quick drive out to see the lava tunnels at Undarra.  Millstream - Australia's widest falls on the way. So after 2 odd hours of shit road it's booked out!! So, turn around and drive back. Stayed at Innott hot springs. Very hot!!


    where are we?............................................................................NFI

    The Atherton show   

The waterfall circuit, Millaa Millaa, Zilly and Elinjaa.      More showers just for Liz.


 Babinda Boulders. Stuff it, I'm going for a swim.   

    Back to Cairns for the Kuranda train and  reef trip. The train was brilliant, I've heard good reviews and the crap service to get tickets was forgotten by the end of the day. The market's gone downhill though. Last time I was here I bought a Ramones record for $2. No such luck this time but I did buy a Steve Irwin type shirt for $29 but I'm still too embarrassed to wear it. One day.


             Barron Falls and Gorge. Skyrail on the way down. They should have built a MONORAIL.


Not bad eh?  Liz looks pretty good too.

2 and a half hours of not the most pleasant conditions to the outer reef where Phil texts me (no land in sight) that Lou Reed is touring. Doh.                 I hope he plays Mossman!!!



I remember what to do.                                  Mmmmm where does this hose go?                               Found it!!!

Jellyfish sting and an air rescue. Whales!!

    Cheap eats in Cairns. $3.50 (pronounced tree fitty)

Expensive eats in Cairns $120 for a seafood platter less 30% before 6:30 (pronounced tree fitty)

                                    Before                                                                                                                After


Well it must be Friday because the car is playing up. Hard to start. Yes it was Friday because Liz left on Saturday and I had to get RACQ to jumpstart me in the morning. One of the batteries is rooted. So I'll run it on one for a day or two as it's booked in on Monday. Camped in the middle of a canefield last night. Great spot except, yes, car wouldn't start in the morning. RACQ took 15 minutes and 3 batteries to get it going. Went into town and bought a new battery. That should fix it.

Week 10

Next day ran into Phil from 2 weeks ago. He's hanging around Cairns for the good winds - kiteboarding - I think it's called. Told me of a good free spot at Trinity Beach. Put her into 4 wheel and had a nice private spot to myself on the beach. What could go wrong?


180 degrees of Trinity Beach. 

The tide came in, and in, and in. I was cut off completely from the road by knee deep water when I went to sleep. I was above the high tide mark (I'm not THAT stupid) but had to get myself up at 4:00a.m. to get out. No problems, set the alarm and guess what - car won't start!!!!!!!!! Tide was out so I called RACQ. By the time he got there (same guy again!! it was 8:00a.m. and I'd already walked down the street and bribed a tradie from a building site to help (universal currency 6 pack of VB). Was he happy!! He'd been out twice and couldn't find me - isn't that what mobile phones are for????  

Great mechanic. Cousin Gordon (hello to Karen and girls) supplied this guy with some honey equipment. His rainforest honey is excellent and he's a bloody good mechanic. So a free plug for Cairns Service Centre and Darrly Adkins. 

Top Bloke Award.

So camped outside Moose's house (tradie) after new battery installed and brakes done (from cooking then at Koscuiosko).

Moose the Scotsman, hello to family, good luck with the new kid and thanks again for the help.  No - this is not Australia's most wanted - he's a top guy - even after I woke him up at 7:00a.m. to say bye and take his picture. Top bloke Award.


Car barely kicked over this morning - Tuesday - so back to Daryl again where he is charging all 3 batteries now in the car.

RACV did the right thing and set me up with a room for the night (getting my money's worth out of the Total Care). What a couple of days. I reckon I'm going to have a couple of beers, pitch my tent and start a brawl.
















 @#%&*!!!!!!!  DOH!!!!!!!

At least I can stop to update. OK back in a couple of weeks. Enjoy your shitty jobs.

Car fixed all batteries charged up, she starts no problem, let's head North. Got to Daintree and realized the fridge wasn't working. OK. Fine. The nearest dealer is in Cairns. OK. Fine. Back I go. Battery World was no help so I called the manufacturers who were no help and eventually figured out I had too much voltage drop from the length of wire I put on it to extend the reach. OK. Fine. Put it back the way it was and I have cold drinks again. Easy.

Mechanic reckons sell the car and buy a real 4wd if I'm going to go any further North. OK. Fine. Give me the weekend to think about it. Meantime at the free campsite at Trinity Beach we have become a regular little community.

    Not this one, need a password to get in here,

Hello Chris, I'll get my harp when and if I see you, hey Pete, I'll see you again maybe on the way up. 

                                                                        Best view in Cairns from Pete's front balcony.


Week 11

OK it's decided. Sell the car and buy a real 4wd (never an imported one again). Head South. The good thing about it is I can do some of the things that I missed on the way up, and I found some Big Things I missed!!! 3 days later back at my parents place in Bli Bli. And Frode's in Ipswich and Janine and Michael's in Mooloolaba..................again.


Competition - win a piece of shit car for the best caption.

Maple syrup and bacon on pancakes. It's good to eat a home cooked breakfast Canadian style!


Week 12

Got the seats sent up from Melbourne but no nuts and bolts for them!!!!!! A bit of a scrounge around the car yards (they just looked at it and asked what it was) and most parts were collected. Except for the 4 bits of metal that attach the 2 back seats. Where are they? I don't remember, Dave can't remember, sooooooooo...................................................................................................................back to Melbourne to find them!!! And see Liz!


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