November         Back

Week ??

There are a lot of pictures this month (sorry but it's been huge). So if they don't all load just keep hitting refresh and you'll get there.

Still a couple of days to go in October but who cares. Into the Pilbara and mainly Karajini National Park. Looking forward as I've heard nothing but good stuff so far. Left Broome with David and Julian. 

 The boys inspect their bread after 1 day in the esky.          A bushcamp and then into the park, but not before a quick hit.           


  First stop was Dales Gorge. Very nice but I'm not sure about some of these pictures as I took so many that it was hard to tell where they really were, but I'll do my best.


      Circular Pool      Go jump.

All the boys could do was talk about the Miracle Mile, but when we inquired we really got the cold shoulder from the ranger. 

Too dangerous, one slip and you're dead. Do not do it. OK.

 Joffre Gorge                  



 It was written up in an old Lonely planet guide I have but noticeably absent in all the new ones. Between my book and the ranger who collected camp fees we had it sorted.                               This is such an amazing place. 

I will put the Lonely Planet text into italics for the trip. I was hesitant to do this but there are so many idiots doing this walk I thought it might be a help.

If you want a totally different impression of the awesome scenery in Karajini, try the Miracle Mile and Knox Slide with local identity Dave Doust. (Now retired). 

 Start at Hancock Gorge. Early.             Go down there.  

You descend a steep track and follow it to where it narrows

                           Ok, that's narrow!

At Kermit's Pool there is time for a quick swim before you climb around a waterfall using Oxer's Handle (find out for yourself what this is).

We couldn't, so it was pick a spot................................throw the bags down later and..................................jump. 

Don't forget the map Julian!!!



       Camera is safe with specialized equipment.

Negotiate the next narrow ledge without using your hands. It gets worse. Down the harrowing and frighteningly steep Hade's Stairs and around the corner to the end of Hancock Gorge.                                                                                            Prepare to get wet.



Take off your shoes, lighten the load and bring a plastic bag to float your stuff is a bit of a swim fully laden!!!              Junction Pool.... half way.Climbing starts again as you head up the 100 foot waterfall into Weano Gorge. 

This is not for the faint hearted.

This is the bit they don't want you to do and if I had known what I was in for...... NO WAY!!! 100 feet my ass!!! 50 meters at least!!!!



                                                                                                                                                          You climb around that gap to the right.



  Look at the difficulty.                  Up this too!!

                                                                                                                               Far out I say AGAIN!!!!!


Next (it goes on), the deep side of the pool is negotiated by a goat track. Into the water again for the last 2 pools into Handrail Pool and the miracle mile is over. It is unsurprisingly one of the best experiences of most participants lives.


                   I don't know about that.     We ended up barely 20m from where we started. Think very carefully. We figured out what the gates were for on these lookouts after the climb - for rescue and stretcher access. 5-6 hours to get the S.E.S. from Tom Price to get you to a hospital. THINK VERY CAREFULLY.

The good book goes on to talk about the Knox slide but two people had broken legs last month doing it. We didn't do it.


After that experience I think a quick trip to Wittenoom will be in order.



Supposed to meet the boys at Ningaloo Reef but when I got to Exmouth, they got lost, but I did find Michael and Sibylle again!!

They had just finished a diving course and, like me, were spending half their lives at internet cafes. It's now just November but the publication must cater for the geographical region. Officially we're still in the Pilbara.  Que? Ask a geography teacher.


Exmouth and Ningaloo Reef. Another goal of this trip (about time I started doing something useful). keeping with the theme of this phone breaks.             Good.         Send it off.

Exmouth..............diving and a GREAT FISHING SPOT. 

The best one supposedly the Naval Pier. A restricted area, no fishing, funny Yank goings on.... usual stuff in Australia.        supposed to be a good fishing spot but.

       Isn't development wonderful?

Doing the Naval Pier dive with the boys.                                                        Under that thing.


Let's go down boys!!!        Check list reg, tank, weights, mask, noodle. OK.

It was an amazing dive. Fish fish and fish and sharks and HUGE rays!!! Hope my underwater camera does it justice!!



No it doesn't.

Cape Range - Ningaloo Reef.              Amazing.                                                    A local said this is an excellent fishing spot. 

You have to pull them in before the sharks can get them, or is that somewhere else??                                              There were no fish here.

Turquoise Bay, no big deal, the reef's on the other side                             saw a turtle     


Who says we're in the bush?           

  The Drift Loop  Good snorkelling.




Michael finally caught a fish from the pier...I'm not's your picture.   


They say the communications center is harmless. I'm so glad. God W. bless America.




           Woteva.    MMMMMMMkay!       Something Knife Canyon... sorry it's all a bit too much.





Coral Bay.     OK I'll get it over with quickly.      This place is a disgusting tip and it should NEVER be allowed to happen to Ningaloo.       Just visit it and make your mind up yourself.     SAVE NINGALOO REEF. 

They'll try it again soon.  Nuff said mmmmkay?

Newlyweds Rob and Anne Marie

cooking,                                                     cooking,                                                                         cooking


Damien and Bec shared the experience of Ningaloo Station and Red Bluff. 


Past the blowholes                               Excellent fishing spot.


Red Bluff........ 4 days of , well          the theme song please              .....Jack lives the stone house......................sing along.

A, E and D  12 bar if you please. Waves crashing in the background.




I got a symbol in my driveway


         I got a hundred million dollar friends       (Hey Phil!!!)

Got you a brand new weapon,                                                                                         let's see how destructive we can be.


I got a brand new set of stencils                                           I've been connecting all the dots (excellent fishing spot) 

Got my plans in a zip-lock bag                    let's see, how unproductive we can be

  I got a light bulb full of anger 

                                                  I like to turn it on and on                                     (r u taking that picture or what!?)   

        Situations it can be so bright,                                                                           Let's see how pathetic we can be.

                                     (excellent fishing spot )                                                                                                                            (view from the dunny)

I got a perfect set of blueprints                                                                                          I'd like to build somebody else


Might cost a little more than money,         ($8.80 /night)                             but what's man without his wealth. (with this view)


Got a phosphorescent secret,                                                                       don't you tell nobody else (it's called Red Bluff)


Next thing you know the whole world will be talking

About those clues they got they just ain't no use, they  got........... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................................................

Thanks Damien and Bec for a great time, take care guys!!!!

2 days in Carnarvon 


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...this must be an.....

A real bed with a shower and then down to Denham and Francois Peron National Park.

A very nice, pretty seaside town with views of crystal clear Shark Bay to die for. This is Australia. Straight to the top of this world heritage listed area. One of only 16 places in the world that satisfies all 4 criteria for listing. Always the geography teacher.


STROMATOLITES!!!! Looking forward to seeing these for years. Bacteria that produce oxygen and were the building blocks for the development of life on the planet. Totally unspectacular in appearance, the scenery and color of the shallow hyper-saline water steal the show but as they are probably the oldest form of life on the planet and only now occur in 2 areas of the world it's still a wonder. 

  Shell Beach, up to 8m of cockle shells deep.

Cape Peron. Miles and miles of pristine beaches, red cliffs, manta rays, sharks, turtles, dugongs (3 of them!!!) and flies. I mean flies like I have never seen before. I even had to make up a fly hat from mosquito netting just to be able to eat. Lucky there was no one around to see me.

The sign said "Don't drive on the burradas" (salt pans). Some people just don't get it.


Monkey Mia. I haven't done the dolphin thing yet. The 4wd tracks off the road looked too tempting.

House for sale?

Sorry about all the panorama shots but it is a big country. Civilization after a couple of tough days in the bush (mainly the flies and the incessant wind). Denham Bay Lodge Backpackers run by a top bloke John and it is a great place to stay!!!


    A chip off the old block, John's son Dan



       Anthony, Karen (Foghorn Leghorn), Justin, Emma and Chris. 

Axel on Friday  and Axel on Saturday      


    The local school.  World Cup night tonight and the place is swarming with pommies.

We decided the Aussie cause needed a bit of help and designed some quality tee shirts.

  Julia thinks we're silly     

The game as you know was brilliant but the atmosphere at the pub was amazing!! I have never experienced anything like it in my life, chanting, sledging, cheering and in between watching rugby. Bugger the result it was great. 

And Jonny still is a mummy's boy!!   Late night eggy bread from Sam

The poms recover   Sam, Rob, Rina and (I am not a pom) Andy                                         The Aussies recover



   Phillipa landed a job at Monkey Mia. 

She is the one who pokes the dolphins with a stick to get them to swim over to the tourists. Good job she says.

  Women working.                Excellent.   

Suppose I better go and see these damned dolphins while I'm here. Cristina and Mocha

        Alright for the people

Going to work at the pearl farm today.

Axel on Tuesday

    The pearl farmers lost the rugby bet!

    I'm supervising.

A great day. Thank you Rob, Steve, Jamie (especially for the map) and Pete. At the end of the day you get to pick a pearl to keep........and it was a feeding frenzy for Sam, Rina and Irene!!

        Sold out says Rob.

  Cooking    Eating 

See, men can work in the kitchen too!!

 Bye guys, great knowing you and remember.............. Jonny is still a poof!!!!!!

Got this map from Jamie detailing excellent fishing spots, 4wd tracks, crayfish and oysters!!!! I'm off to the westernmost point in Oz. Such a good map and well marked track, within hours we're hopelessly lost in some monster sand dunes.

        Bush skills in action.

 Crayfish Bay, spectacular!! No crayfish but, surf was too dangerous.     Needed the old  STEVE IRWIN SHIRT™   for this track. 

Good fun, the little car did very well.       

Thunder Bay and some amazing blowholes. Can't wait to see Jo's (pronounced Yo) picture!!!


Jamie was right, some of the most spectacular scenery in the country!!!!         Just look at was breathtaking.

                           And it must have been an EXCELLENT FISHING SPOT

Look at theses guys. They had a harness to stop them being dragged over the cliff!!!!


How come I never catch any fish?  

On to the westernmost point of mainland Australia. I thought I'd done this but I was wrong. Now I have. Put my rock on the cairn, but I reckon it looks more west over there??


Stayed at Tamala Station, Baba Head that night. Very windy, that's the big drawback over this side. A beautiful morning, drop in a line???????                            And get a very decent flathead!!!     AN EXCELLENT FISHING SPOT!!!!!!

  Try the new hand spear it works!

I don't know if I like the idea of spearfishing yet. You have to get really close and it makes a bit of a mess. Hmmmmmmm.

Surf Knackers!! Must be the way out.


Thus ends November. What a big month in footy it has been. Was going to leave Denham but John has booked us in to play a gig at the pub on Wednesday night!!!!! Stay tuned.........

Bye for now.................the countdown to reality has begun....well, sort of..........................       We still love you.

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