October         Back

Week 21

5 months on the road. Gee I miss work. It's been hard but it's been fun. Maybe they won't miss me and I can just keep going?

   Millaa Millaa tools.

Knackers knows his way around a spatula.       Hey girls he's a kitchen magician with a can of Stagg!!!!

     Undarra lava tubes


A looooooong hot drive across the peninsula, and guess what? The car starts playing up, overheating!!! Some advice from a mechanic at Normanton (and the big croc - you were right Dad!) and we just kept driving....until....some funny noises. Check the car the front shock bolt has fallen out from pulling over to the left on the single strip road. Hmmmmmmmm didn't someone in Cairns just do the shocks? A good effort by the bush mechanics to get going (borrowing a bolt from elsewhere on the car) and a beautiful sunset for a bushcamp.



Knackers does some presenting as he sets out the swag on the roof.

Stuck in Isa for a day and a half. What a hoot. Watched a movie. Stayed at a caravan park.

What's all that about?   

Diagnosis, a cracked head or head gasket!!!!!!!!

What is the deal? What did I do in a past life? Why are people so unkind?


Oh well as I say trying to console myself....it beats the hell out of working!!! Air con off she works fine, don't want to spend another minute in Isa so off we go.

The tool brothers..........on the border.

Wanted to do Lawn Hill N.P. and the full Gulf road but not today, instead to Barkley homestead. Diesel was 85c in Isa $1.03 in Camooweel and $1.33 at Heartbreak Hotel, lucky it was Knacker's shout.

    ahhh, the outback                   


One of the "Lost Cities" on the Wills Development Road.

A good place for sly grog runners.          Not  

Roper Bar     the locals.  

On to Mataranka, another big day's drive. The bats were there and it wasn't very nice at all. But it is Mataranka and there are no kids around so.....a midnight swim. I was the only one in the thermal pool, it was dead quiet, the moon was out, a kangaroo came down and had a drink. It was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! I did miss dragging a stick across kids legs under water and hearing them scream but you can't have everything!!

   Computer geeks of the world unite!!!! Katherine.

Litchfield, still one of my favorite places in the world.


            Florence Falls.                                          Wangi sunset                                                        Termites 


          and then     

Buleys Waterhole                                                                                                            ...the camera dies.     Whatever.

Camera mailed off to Sydney to fix.   A quick stop in at Mary River NP. Awesome. Actually saw a crocodile, did some fishing, a beautiful sunset (no pics...no camera...sorry Skells).

(Knackers insert video pictures here.) Fishing with the crocs.


A bit of a night out and then bye to Knackers in Darwin. Thanks for the company and for putting up with me, hope you had a great time and I'll catch ya soon.

Forget what week it is, so going by month only from now on.

Phone call. My camera is done. Into Kununurra at 8:30. Time zones you idiot! And the fact the sun rises about 5:30! Wait around for ages. Can't get camera OVERNIGHT. Ok send it to Broome and I'll get it later. Buy a disposable (camera that is).

The Kimberley. Big drive, made it past Timber Creek but not as far as Keep River. A bush camp but what a camp.

    El Questro (means nothing.)       Emma Gorge.

         Upper Manning Gorge

    Awesome Bell Gorge.


The famous Fitzroy River excellent fishing. NOT! Thru to Derby. There were many GORGEOUS GORGES. DOH. but too dry and stinking hot everywhere else.

Next the Dampier Penninsula. One of the places I actually wanted to see!!

First stop, Middle Lagoon. Beautiful but very windy!! Couldn't even cook with the truck and a tarp as windbreaks.. 

This was my front yard.

On to other communities. This one Beagle Bay. The church.


One that I stood and read the noticeboard for 10 mins. only to see an A4 page. 

"The community is closed on the weekend. Please leave and do not drive around."

So I did and I must say it was the cleanest and best looking community I have seen to date!!

Up to Cape Leveque, hearby known as Kooljaman, a much groovier word (I forgot is groovy out or in again?). 

Hunter Creek. I have not seen so many fish since Seisia Jetty (the place you have to pull them out so quick before the sharks get 'em...... I think I made that saying up, didn't I? Caught a decent Gar and a Puffer. Actually snagged some live bait but it was all over by then.

Met Michael  and Sibylle that night and they were so impressed with my fishing story we went back the next day.....and there was nothing!!!! Nothing!!! Nothing!!!!!!! I saw schools of fish yesterday I tell ya!! We got four puffer fish, or one puffer fish four times, depends who you talk to.


$140 a night for the hut from Gilligan's Island. But this is your view each morning.

  No not them!!!          

             Sunrise, Kooljaman.

Back to Broome. Life is full of such hardships. No fridge, no light, chair's buggered, car in the shop, another day on the road.

So,    Get a pizza delivered to the campsite! How do you say  ringburner in German?


My treat for breakfast today. A real Canadian one, french toast, back bacon, and real maple syrup. Michael gives a wave!


Bye guys travel safe, you're on the web.

A couple of days in Broome. I can't stand it. Actually used the tent for the second time in 5 months.  Thought for the day,  I guess there's always someone worse of than yourself.         

Asking for directions. A bit of communal spirit going in the tenting area, the best spot, we're barely 50m to the beach, or over 150 when the tide's out!!!! Some fire sticks from Adrian, jumping off swings by Dean 


  Olive, Caroline, Sinead   David & Julian


I'll finish the month on a high, even though there's still a couple of days to go I'll bend the dates to fit in with the photo album. 

A goodbye to the Kimberley with a bus, seaplane, boat trip to Cape Talbot, the horizontal waterfall.    

Just shut up and let the pictures tell the story.                                   




A BIG month. Bye for now, remember.


                        we love you.

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